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our work

Whitney Strategic Services

Software Case Study

WSS (Whitney Strategic Services) specializes in identifying macro and micro conditions that allow governments / corporations to defend against economic warfare and external conditions.

The Goal

WSS approached Ovis early in their business development looking for a technology partner.

WSS has the best experts on a whole host of different areas. They identified quickly that they did not have the necessary in-house technical ability. Much of their business would be defined by how quickly they could deliver their analysis, which requires tremendous automation to deliver at scale. WSS was still defining their processes when we started working with them. Ovis worked with WSS to identify bottlenecks in their processes and rapidly built out prototypes to test possible solutions. Then we implemented the successful solutions at scale.

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Special Considerations

Because the end client was the U.S. Military,

security and compliance were of the upmost importance. We needed the ability to protect data and operations from determined actors. We needed to be cognitive of many special needs for the military, everything from hiring practices to allowed software modules, and many other items normally ignored.

We also needed to be conservative

with our spend as WSS as they were a new division. We leveraged the AWS cloud and many new technologies to keep costs low. The business model was rapidly evolving as WSS was still evaluating the market; all solutions needed to be flexible and easy to change / update.

The Solution

While implementation of our solution is still ongoing,

we used our proprietary prototyping system to be able to quickly implement new processes or reporting structures. Once the upgrade was vetted, we could move forward. This was key to keeping costs low and dev time minimal. Additionally, we used our design and marketing team to help WSS brand itself and help better sell its services.