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What We Do

Helpdesk, Security & Hosting

At Ovis, we understand that service and support are critical components of our clients' success.

That's why we offer comprehensive service and support packages that cover hosting, security, compliance, and help desk support. Our help desk team is always available to assist with any issues or updates you may need. Whether it's a simple update to your site, user access problems, or SSL certificate updates, our help desk is there for you.

We take security seriously, and our hosting platform is designed to ensure that your data is secure at all times. We host our systems in a SSAE16/ISAE 3402 Type II SOC 1 compliant data center and employ various security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus software, log monitoring, and endpoint monitoring. We also protect your site and its data with a comprehensive disaster recovery program. Our staff receives regular training on cybersecurity issues and trends, and we regularly test our systems with both automation and manual review. Our help desk also takes security seriously, verifying that requests are coming from valid sources.

Compliance is a critical aspect of our service and support packages. We conduct regular training, testing, and internal/external evaluations to ensure that we support all our security efforts. We also help our clients comply with laws and follow best practices. Our cookie compliance tools are designed to meet the requirements of CCPA and GDPR laws, and they can be customized for style and content. We also offer ADA compliance solutions to make websites more accessible to disabled visitors and protect clients from potential legal issues.

For our custom application customers, we offer tailored support and hosting solutions. However, all of our knowledge and abilities also apply to these custom solutions, which can be even more critical to our clients' success.

At Ovis, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch service and support that gives our clients an edge in the marketplace.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation.

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